Monday, April 19, 2010

Riding in and around town

During Sundays shop ride I was asked a couple of times if the shop had bike route maps? No, not so much. Besides, mostly the routes we have start at the shop for the shop rides and not everyone wants to start there, although there are ALWAYS good reasons to pop into your favorite bike shop and triathlon headquarters ;-)

There are a variety of online ride direction websites, some more useful than others, such as mapmyride which if you search for Austin will return over a 1,000 rides, but adding "Jack" to the search will narrow it down to include some of the shop rides, as well as some others that start or end at the shop! also has some good rides for the greater Austin metro area. We don't endorse any of these rides, and road condition can change from day to day, so please take care! But hey, while it's still nice and cool lets get out there and ride!


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