Monday, June 29, 2009

WETSUIT Care Instructions

Wearing a wetsuit at this time of year might seem kind of crazy considering all the 100+ degree days we've had. If you're traveling to an event like Ironman Canada, however, you'll probably take your wetsuit with you. Here are some tips on keeping your wetsuit in great condition:

1. Wetsuits can be used in all open water conditions. You should not use your wetsuit in a chlorinated swimming pool, because over extended time, chlorine could damage the seams of your wetsuit.

2. To preserve the life of the wetsuit, always store your wetsuit lying flat or hanging in a temperate place on a thick plastic hanger.

3. If you must fold the wetsuit for traveling purposes, fold as stated below:

a. Fold legs up
b. Arms over in X motion
c. Remaining legs fold up
4. Periodically wash wetsuit with wetsuit shampoo.

And remember to not leave your wetsuit in the car. It's already been an incredibly hot summer and leaving your wetsuit in the car can seriously damage it.

Click on the image for a larger version to print & keep with your wetsuit.


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