Monday, March 2, 2009

Frost Bike 2009

You would think the last place a cyclist and triathlete would want to go in the dead of winter would be Minneapolis, Minnesota. I would normally agree, but one weekend in Febraury is an exception. All things bike related happen at a cool gathering appropriately named Frost Bike. Sponsored by Quality Bicycle Products, one of the leading wholesale distributors of bike and multisport product, it is a bike and tri-geeks winter vacation heaven!

I was fortunte enough to attend this year and I walked away last weekend wishing it would happen again this weekend!

It is one part product debut, one part community building, and one part continuing education for bike shop folk.

First it's an opportunity to see up close and talk with the companies producing the product we all get excited about. Some of the cool things I had a chance to play with included improved and soon to be released Garmin Forerunner 305 Multisport. It is waterproof, has a battery that will last the longest of Ironman races and is a size that the smallest of wrists can support. Way Cool!

Another exciting product debut included the Saris T-bone. Set for release this spring, it does triple duty as a vehicle hitch rack, at home storage rack, and a repair stand. On top of that it's tough as nails and weighs less than your bike. Pretty darn cool. Keep an eye out, we'll have it & the Garmin in the store as soon as they are available.

In addition to all of the cool gear, I was able to meet people from all across the country. I walked away with some great ideas on how we can help serve you, our customers, better. It's this kind of experience sharing that is invaluable. It also confirmed once again that Austin is the best multisport and cycling community period!

I'll share one last story and then encourage you to stop by the shop and see me if you want more information.

The weekend is not all work hiding indoors. The feature entertainment is a nightime bike race in the snow aboard Surley Pugsleys (think of a bike with car tires). As advertised - it was cold, 8 degrees, and the course was a combination of snow and ice. It all made for a good time. I enjoyed a good laugh not only with the racing but with the advertised "bonfire to keep you warm." Maybe being from Texas skews your perspective on what a proper size bonfire truly is. In Minnesota, apparently it is a Weber Grill with three logs jammed in it. oh it was a cold night! But I can't wait until next year.



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