Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April Splash-n-Dash

The Austin tri season officially kicked off last Tuesday night at the April edition of the Pure Austin Splash-n-Dash.  Over 130 people took the plunge into Quarry lake for the only wetsuit legal Splash-n-Dash for the year.  Team Jack & Adam's was there to lifeguard, bodymark, work the manual timing, and of course, cook up the hot dogs.  Ashton Prejean and Terra Castro took top honors for the day, as many athletes got in their final tune-ups for the Skeese Greets Tri and the PureSport Rookie Tri.

Sadly, no one from the crowd was brave enough to take on Jack and Dan at beach volleyball, so their unbeaten streak from 2008 now stretches until the 2009 season.  Surely, there must be some triathletes out there who are better than these guys???!

Don't hesitate to sign up for the May Splash-n-Dash.  Registration closes at 2 PM on the day of the event and you cannot sign up at the race site.  It's only $10!  You don't want to miss out on Jack's cookin'!


1 comment:

Robin said...

This was my first S&D and I loved it. Thanks for putting on such great events!