Friday, September 4, 2009

Behind the Scenes - Austin Tri '08

As we prepare for the Austin Tri 2009, here are a few behind the scenes memories in pictures from 2008.

Jack & Drew pushing port-o-cans together so that they don't get used & abused by Bat Fest attendees. We want them fresh for y'all!

How do you get 4000 sponges to an aid station...big box, little car. Thanks, Joseph.

Not only bicycles get flats on race day! Our little transport vehicle called, "The Gator" suffered a flat before the gun went off.

It got aired up with a regular bike pump and survived the rest of the long day. We were happy to have him back! He's much needed for hauling ice and water.

Clean up crew picking up the last remaining parts of the finish line party.

Fit Master, Zane and the rest of the clean up crew sorting out recyclables and trash.

See you on Monday on Auditorium Shores for the Austin Tri 2009!


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